
A General and Efficient Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithm

A General and Efficient Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithm

Sören Sonnenburg
Fraunhofer Institute FIRST
Kekuléstr. 7
12489 Berlin

Gunnar Rätsch
Friedrich Miescher Laboratory
Max Planck Society
Spemannstr. 39
Tübingen, Germany

Christin Schäfer
Fraunhofer Institute FIRST
Kekuléstr. 7
12489 Berlin


While classical kernel-based learning algorithms are based on a single kernel, in practice it is often desirable to use multiple kernels. Lankriet et al. (2004) considered conic combinations of kernel matrices for classification, leading to a convex quadratically constraint quadratic program. We show that it can be rewritten as a semi-infinite linear program that can be efficiently solved by recycling the standard SVM implementations. Moreover, we generalize the formulation and our method to a larger class of problems, including regression and one-class classification. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm helps for automatic model selection, improving the interpretability of the learning result and works for hundred thousands of examples or hundreds of kernels to be combined.

This file contains the appendix of our submission to NIPS 2005, which had to be removed due to space constraints.

Soeren Sonnenburg $Id: webpage.html,v 1.1 2005/06/07 09:52:18 cvs24 Exp $